Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How to hold a brush

Yesterday we said hi to Balrog's third tooth, and today we said bye-bye to some of his toys :( We were sad to part with his mobile (no, not a mobile phone) and bouncer (no, not a muscular guy but a kind of a chair), which has been bouncing off the floor under Balrog's weight for like a month :-/
The animals from the mobile were like a family to him - his best friends... and ours too ^^ after all we used to earn like 40 minutes of sleep thanks to them!
I can't express how grateful we were, so the parting was done with all the respect deserved.

Wczoraj witalismy trzeci ząb Balroga, a dziś urządziliśmy pożegnanie zabawek :( Z żalem żegnaliśmy karuzelę i bujaczek, który pod ciężarem Baldka od miesiąca stukał o podłogę :-/ 
Zwierzyniec z karuzeli, to prawie członkowie rodziny - jego najlepsi przyjaciele... i nasi też ^^ jak by nie było, dzięki nim zyskiwaliśmy całe 40 min. snu! 
Nie mam słów jakie okazały by wdzięczność, więc ostatnie pożegnanie było godne.

I am glad you were interested by my previous post ^^ (it means my posts are not totally useless)

Quintus wrote:
"Beautiful and professional. You can open a Sunday school :) Did you paint all the highlights with a brush or did you also use an airbrush?"
No, no, it was said to celebrate the holy day ;) The effect of airbrushing can be seen on the first photos of the tutorial, the rest was brushed-on.

Bardzo się cieszę, że ostatni wpis Was zainteresował  ^^ (to znaczy, że nie skrobię do szuflady)

Quintus napisał:
"Pięknie i profesjonalnie. Możesz otwierać szkółkę niedzielną:} Wszystkie rozjaśnienia malowałaś pędzlem czy również aerografem?"
Nie nie, jest powiedziane: dzień święty święcić ;) Efekt po aerografie widać na pierwszych fotkach tutka, reszta jest pędzlowana. 
Michal wrote:
"Wonderful tutorial... If you would only feel like showing some techniques for beginners... a whole mass of Polish enthusiasts would be eternally thankful to you"
So here you go ;) Something for the nice start:

Michał napisał:

"Tutorial cudo... gdyby ci się chciało jeszcze parę technik dla początkujących pokazać... to cała rzesza polskich zapaleńców była by ci dozgonnie wdzięczna"
No to proszę :) Coś na miły początek:

When you paint it's important how you hold the brush.
I drag the brush in a more horizontal way - just like windscreen wipers in a car.
It's also important to keep the tip of the brush toward the shadow when you are highlighting, and the base of the brush - toward the highlight.

If you try to blend with the tip of your brush, you may end up failing, because the line of division of layers will be visible. But at the base of the brush there is not so much paint and as you pull the brush (just like the wiper I mentioned) it creates the transition. If you still haven't tried it, check it on a sheet of paper first :)

Ważne w malowaniu jest jak trzymasz pędzel.
Ja pędzlem pociągam trochę na leżąco - trochę jak wycieraczki w aucie.
Ważne jest też, żeby koniec pędzla był kierowany do cienia kiedy cieniujesz, a jego nasada była po stronie rozjaśniania.

Jeśli będziesz próbował robić przejścia czubkiem pędzla, to może to Ci się nie udać, bo wyjdzie Ci widoczna linia podziału między warstwami. Ale u nasady pędzelka nie ma aż tyle nagromadzonej farby  i ona sama po przeciągnięciu (jak wycieraczką samochodową) tworzy przejście. Jeśli jeszcze tego nie próbowałeś, to sprawdź sobie tą prawidłowość na kartce :)

And that's the way I am holding the brush when I am emphasizing the edges - highlighting:

Tak trzymam pędzel kiedy podkreślam krawędzie - rozjaśniam:

And what are your opinions and experiences in this subject?

A jakie są wasze uwagi i doświadczenia w tym temacie?


  1. It's a simple step to ignore when painting and I didn't give it much thought before but being shown how to hold a brush properly makes a huge ammount of difference and I can see where you get your different brush strokes from.

    Thank you so much Ana for doing this, it should make understanding your tutorials a lot easier for me :D

  2. Great again Ana and I guess it also depends on how much you thin the paint. How much did you thin your paint for this axe?

  3. Like this article!!! It's simple but it's basics...

  4. Hi Ana, i love your posts and am really grateful of your engagement to the painting community. :)

    Would love to see some blending tutorials :)

    Greetings from Germany :)


  5. No problem :) A few words about blending and thinning the paint - I will bear it in mind...

  6. O wow.. nigdy tak do trzymania pędzla nie podchodziłem. Ja w sumie uczę się dopiero malować ultramarines i to pędzelkami the army painter.

  7. Great beginner tutorial. For some of us, the simplest things - like how you hold the brush while painting - can be hardest things to embrace. After all, stable hands are one of the corner stone in this hobby.

  8. Wow. One of the best and most straightforward painting tips I have come across recently.

    Blending isn't easy and seeing how you can achieve a good result like this is a boon.


  9. I never thought about it but I do this subconsciously, so now that you made me relies I am doing it I can work on it and do it better! I have been wondering what brushes to you use? I have heard you use Raphael. Awesome blog like thingy!


  10. Hi! I really like this tuto, would you allow me to use your photo, in a french traduction for à forum?
    But you need to know that I already put the link on the forum^^

  11. Sure, please do. Just please include links to my blog and to chestofcolors.com

    Enjoy :)


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